Our “Coaches Clipboard” is a collection of pertinent phrases, knowledge and wisdom. Shared (almost) every Sunday, it’s our "thinking menu" with some bits and pieces we came across…
#sharetheknowledge 🙂
Read. Enjoy. Think. Share.
Will the change in your life happen to you or because of you?
Challenges and obstacles are part of the journey. They illuminate the path to success.
Everyone has something to teach you if you are humble enough to learn.
The manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it.
Don't get too comfortable with your opinions. They are just opinions, not facts.
Surround yourself with people who expect the best.
Something I learned about people is if they do it once, they'll do it again.
Never mistake activity for achievement.
Young people need models, not critics.
Embrace change. See it as an opportunity for growth and transformation. Nothing changes if nothing changes.
Hope you enjoyed these…